Sunday 7th July 2024, 9:30am-1:00pm

Bentley Wood (Salisbury)


51.062191228321, -1.6282385449219

We will explore areas of this extensive woodland looking for local specialties.
Estimated end time about 1pm. Bring a packed lunch if you wish.

Target Species: Purple Hairstreak, Silver-washed Fritillary, White Admiral, Purple Emperor (possibly!).

Location: Meet in the car park at SU 258 292 (Map 184). what3words: ///skunks.reporters.kipper.

Directions: Take the road north from West Dean and then fork left towards Middle Winterslow.  After about ¼ mile the main entrance to the wood is on the left, with the car park about ¼ mile down the track (beware of potholes!).

If this is your first field trip with Wiltshire Branch please read our guidelines which tell you what to expect and what to bring.