During the twentieth century, 62 species of moth became extinct in Britain and many others are considered to be nationally threatened. 81 moths are currently listed as top priorities for conservation action in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan.

Our rarest moths are restricted to just a single location in the whole of the UK, making them much rarer than any of our butterfly species.

In addition, there is compelling scientific evidence of much more widespread and worrying declines among our moths. Population levels of hundreds of common moths have decreased since the 1960s, many very dramatically. Sir David Attenborough described the declines as "significant and worrying" and 115 Westminster MPs echoed his concern by signing an Early Day Motion.

Moths make up a significant part of our biodiversity and are very important in ecosystems (as herbivores, pollinators and as prey for other animals). Butterfly Conservation takes action to conserve moths and their habitats, through direct management, research, recording and monitoring, advice, policy development and raising awareness, often working with partner organisations and individuals.

In this section

Find out about our moth conservation projects, some success stories and how you can help reverse the declines and protect rare species.