Sunday 2nd July 2023, 12:00pm-3:30pm

The Quarr LNR and Terrace Meadows SNCI Sherborne


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The Quarr is Sherborne’s local nature reserve, an area of young woodland, scrub and grassland off the Bristol Road. The Terrace Meadow is a fascinating patch of limestone grassland adjacent to Sherborne’s Terrace Playing Fields sports facilities. It is of particular interest as the soil is unusual for the area, and supports flowers (including orchids), butterflies and other species not generally seen in the locality.

Join us for one or both guided walks, with flower and insect identification sessions. We will meet on the Quarr at 12.00 am and at the Terrace Meadows SNCI at 2.00 pm.

For the Quarr, meet at the entrance by the Mermaid pub off the Bristol Road at map ref ST 637 174. For the Terrace Meadows, park in the Terrace Playing Fields Car Park, map reference ST 641 156, signposted off the A352 just south of Sherborne and follow the footpath back towards the town through the patch of newly planted trees and up a few steps, map reference ST 637 156.

For further information contact Nigel Spring on 07981 776767 or email @email

It would help us if you could book with the walk/talk/work party leader in advance. This does not commit you to turning up, but it means that if we have to cancel the event, we can contact you to tell you this. We may use your email address to contact you immediately after the event, but it will not be held for any future purpose