An elusive moth but can be found at rest on foodplants Ash and Wild Privet and flitting about after dark. Comes to light in small numbers.

A brown or blackish central crossband is diagnostic for this species, elbowed and divided in two in the leading half of the rounded, tapering forewing. There is little variation in this marking, but it can vary in intensity and width. Males have a small lobe on the hind wing.

Flight Season

Flies in one generation. Flies in March and April in the southern half of England and Wales and in April and May in Northern England and Scotland.

Size and Family

Family – Carpets, pugs and allies (Geometridae)

Size – Medium

Wingspan – 33-36mm

Conservation Status

UK BAP: Priority Species

Scarce: Nationally Scare A

Caterpillar Food Plants

Caterpillars feed on Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) & Wild Privet (Ligustrum vulgare)


Occupying woodland, chalk downland and scrubby areas


- Locally distributed in scattered locations across England and Scotland and at a single site in South Wales.
- Formerly much more widespread in Southern England.
- Current strongholds appear to be Kent, Sussex, North Hampshire/Wiltshire and the Morecambe Bay area of North Lancashire/South Cumbria. Also recorded in Dorset, Herefordshire, Yorkshire, Norfolk and scattered in Scotland.


Barred Tooth-striped - Paul Millard

Barred Tooth-striped

Barred Tooth-striped - Dave Shenton

Barred Tooth-striped

Barred Tooth-striped - Dave Shenton

Barred Tooth-striped

Barred Tooth-striped - Alan Skeates

Barred Tooth-striped

Barred Tooth-striped - Ilia Ustyantsev

Barred Tooth-striped

Barred Tooth-striped - Ilia Ustyantsev

Barred Tooth-striped

Barred Tooth-striped - Ilia Ustyantsev

Barred Tooth-striped

Barred Tooth-striped - Ilia Ustyantsev

Barred Tooth-striped

Barred Tooth-striped (caterpillar) - George Tordoff

Barred Tooth-striped (caterpillar)

Barred Tooth-striped (caterpillar)

Barred Tooth-striped (caterpillar)