The fawn or sandy-brown coloured wings are peppered with black and held out flat at rest. The typical ribboned form has a dark cross-band running across all four wings whereas the plain form f. remutata only has narrow cross-lines. Both forms are equally frequent in the south whereas the plain form is more numerous in the north.

They overwinter as small larva and pupate in plant debris near the ground. The adults often come to light in large numbers.

Size and Family

  • Family – Mochas and Waves (Geometridae)
  • Small Sized
  • Wingspan Range – 28-32mm

Conservation status

  • UK BAP: Not listed
  • Common

Caterpillar Food Plants

A range of low-growing herbaceous plants including bedstraws, Wood Aven (Geum urbanum), Primrose (Primula vulgaris), dandelions and docks.


Found in most habitats including gardens, hedgerows, woodland, heathland, calcareous grassland, fens, river valleys and coastal situations.


  • Countries – England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
  • Common and well distributed throughout England, Wales, the Isle of Man, lowland mainland Scotland, Ireland and the Channel Islands.
Riband Wave - Koen Thonissen

Riband Wave

Riband Wave - Koen Thonissen

Riband Wave

Riband Wave - Ryszard Szczygieł

Riband Wave

Riband Wave - Ryszard Szczygieł

Riband Wave

Riband Wave - Heath McDonald

Riband Wave

Riband Wave - Ben Sale

Riband Wave

Riband Wave - Garry Barlow

Riband Wave

Riband Wave (melanic form) - Bob Eade

Riband Wave (melanic form)

Riband Wave - Koen Thonissen

Riband Wave

Riband Wave - Koen Thonissen

Riband Wave

Riband Wave - David G Green

Riband Wave

Riband Wave

Riband Wave