The Devon branch web site has now moved to this BC In Your Area web page.  If you search for the Devon Butterfly Conservation (or click on any previously saved bookmark for our web site) you will now be taken to the Devon ‘In your area’ page on the main BC web site.  There is limited branch information here at present, but you will be able to check the dates of our 2017 Winter Conservation Events.  We plan to extend the number of available links and information on here as quickly as possible so that by the time we reach the 2017 butterfly season members will be able to access here all the branch news and all the other web pages that you are all used to.  

These ‘In your area’ pages are provided free to branches by BC Head Office so that they do not have to undertake the additional work of providing their own independent web sites, and they will also provide training and support for any of our volunteers who would be keen to take on the task of updating these web pages. Several other branches have now taken advantage of this, with some very exciting results – click here see the Linconshire branch IYA page and here to see the Surrey branch IYA page.

With our previous webmaster Jenny Evans taking the decision to stand down from this role it was an appropriate time to change the way we provide information on the internet. We are now looking for any members who would like to volunteer to join a small team of web inputters for this In Your Area branch web page.  Specialist web design skills are not required (as they would have been if we had wanted to recruit a volunteer to take over our old web site) and we have already had one volunteer who has expressed an interest.  But, with one of the primary reasons the Committee has made the decision to use ‘In Your Area’ being that we could have more than one inputter (which we could not have easily done on our old web site) we hope that we can recruit at least another one or two volunteers so that the inputting work can be shared Please use the 'Contact Branch' link to send us an email asking for more information.

Many thanks are due to Jenny Evans who has worked extremely hard over the past few years keeping our independent web site going.  Her expert web design and IT skills and her dedication to getting such a wide range of information online has meant that she provided us all with an extremely well designed and informative resource which has been much appreciated by both our members and the wider public alike. Thanks again Jenny for all this work.