Hello and welcome to alert number 8 

We now have Meadow Brown and Large Skipper reported, while a single Clouded Yellow has been seen.
New brood Small Tortoiseshells are also beginning to emerge.
Painted Lady continue to drift in, several reports of Hummingbird Hawkmoth and there are at least 5 Red-veined Darter dragonflies currently in the county, so migration is clearly underway.
Meadow Brown
Bedstraw Hawk-moth now flying in the county.

Next up should be Gatekeeper, Small Skipper and Ringlet

Elsewhere Black Hairstreak are now flying at Monks Wood in Cambs, Mountain Ringlet at Irton Fell, and Large Blue in Somerset,

National BC is in the process of setting up new data access protocols for the records we supply to the public and other bodies, and would like to know what local recorders think.
The survey is at http://r1.dotmailer-surveys.com/31dgt0d-a42ejn55 and includes some explanatory text. They'd like people to complete the survey by 9th June.
(This has been triggered by the changes in what used to be the NBN gateway and is now the National Bio-diversity Atlas - https://nbnatlas.org/)

The next BC Field trip will be Beeston Common 17th June
There's a moth trap opening at Dersingham Bog on 9th June
Wheatfen Open day June 11th, Catfield open day 18th June

Other events of interest
There's a Bioblitz at Rosary Cemetery, Norwich on June 10th
Mousehold Heath butterfly walk June 22nd

Currently reported for Norfolk are: Swallowtail, Large, Dingy and Grizzled Skipper, Large, Small and Green-veined Whites, Brimstone, Clouded Yellow,  Orangetip, Holly Blue, Small Copper, Green Hairstreak, Common Blue, Brown Argus, Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral. Peacock, Comma , Speckled Wood, Wall, Meadow Brown and Small Heath

Large Red, Red-eyed, Variable, Azure, Blue-tailed and Common Blue damselflies are flying in Norfolk, along with Hairy Dragonfly, Downy Emerald, Emperor, Norfolk Hawker, Scarce, Broad-bodied and Four spotted Chaser, Keeled and Black-tailed Skimmers and Banded Demoiselle.
Remember you can find us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/ButterflyConservationNorfolk/ and Twitter @BC_Norfolk
As usual all reports gratefully received.
Andy B