Lancashire branch photo competition 2022

Following the success of last year’s competition, we are delighted to host the Lancashire branch photo competition again in 2022.

Are you a budding nature photographer? Have you or your children taken some lovely butterfly or moth snaps through this spring and summer? Why not enter our competition and the overall winner’s photograph will appear in the front cover of our Autumn 2022 newsletter and receive a £25 NHBS voucher, with 2nd place being printed on the back cover.

There will be 3 categories: 1) Lancashire Butterfly, 2) Lancashire Moth and 3) Early Stage (egg, larva or pupa) of Lancashire Butterfly or Moth.

Judging will be by the branch committee and the winners announced at our 2022 Members’ Day.

Entries to be emailed to [email protected] with Photography Competition 2022 as the subject title and include the titled photos, where they were taken and your name (and age if under 18), and Butterfly Conservation membership number.

Closing date for entries is 31st May 2022.

Why not watch Trevor Davenport’s informative and entertaining presentation, on our YouTube channel, on how to get the best out of your butterfly and moth photography before entering!

Terms and conditions:

Competition is open to all Lancashire branch members; entries must have been taken during 2021/22, be of native species and have been taken within the boundaries of the branch with the general location (e.g. Myers Allotment Reserve, Avenham Park, etc) identified for the general interest of the branch members; each member may submit a maximum of 3 photographs to the competition (only the first 3 submitted images will be accepted); each photograph must have a title and be anonymous for judging purposes; only digital images (as JPEGs max 6Mb) will be accepted which may be cropped but must not be enhanced by computer manipulation; members of the branch committee and their immediate families may not enter; winning entries to be available for publication on the branch website and in the newsletter. Submission of photos as stated here indicates your agreement to these T&Cs.