Ben Smart has just finished writing a new 230 page book on how to find early larval stages of Micro-moths. Ben, who is recognised as a leading national expert in this field, has provided detailed text on 174 species of Micro-Moth and photographs on 314 species found in Lancashire and Cheshire.[With 1000 photographs in total]

This book will be of great assistance to the growing number of entomologists who seek new and clearly set out information on this fascinating topic.

Lancashire and Cheshire Fauna Society hoped to support this publication with funding. To keep per copy  costs down and to meet expected demand a large print run had to be funded  and so when invited Lancashire Butterfly Conservation were pleased to invest half of the production costs. This book will appeal to moth enthusiasts well beyond the North-West of England so if you would like to take advantage of the special pre-publication discount we ask that you follow the guidance provided here to secure a copy of this exciting new book.