A new version of the Scottish Moth Recording Spreadsheet has been released for 2024. It can be downloaded using the button link below.

Moth recording spreadsheet

ESBC Moth Recording Spreadsheet 2023 image

The main enhancement from the spreadsheet available last year is that the micro species have common names updated from the new Sterling & Parsons field guide and the full name can be used as a shortcut (although there are no new abbreviations for these due to potential confusion with clashes with existing shortcut codes)

Do take a while to read through the readme worksheet about how to use species name shortcuts and make use of the validation comments. it’s not a tool simply to help your CMR to ensure that records are all in the same format, it has lots of useful information in the validation columns which can help with identification purposes and guide whether supporting evidence may be needed to accompany the record. If you find any problems with the spreadsheet then please use the comment function on the East Scotland Branch Welcome page.