Income from trusts and foundations provides important funding for our conservation projects.

We are extremely grateful to those individuals and organisations who have so generously supported the charity in 2021/22. On behalf of everyone at Butterfly Conservation we would like to thank the following charitable trusts for their support:

AEB Charitable Trust

Cambridge Chrysalis Trust

D G Albright Charitable Trust

DFN Charitable Foundation

GESS Charitable Trust

Henocq Law Trust

Miss Kathleen Beryl Sleigh Charitable Trust

P F Charitable Trust

Robert Kiln Charitable Trust

The Banister Charitable Trust

The Big Give Trust

The D S Smith Charitable Trust

The Hugh Fraser Foundation

The Jack Patston Charitable Trust

The John Swire 1989 Charitable Trust

The Lady Eda Jardine Charitable Trust

The Marlow Trust

The Orcome Trust

The Patsy Wood Trust

The Valentine Charitable Trust

The Walter Guinness Charitable Trust